Our Services

Technical Recruitment

Hiring technical talent is one of a young company's most daunting tasks. What roles do you need, and how do you find candidates? How do you know if they're any good? Will they fit in with your team? Will they be able to grow with your company? How can you tell if they will be able to help you build a great product?

Wilder Innovation can take the burden off your shoulders and help you find the right people for your team. We have a proven track record of finding and hiring great technical talent over the last 15 years. We know the right time to hire and what roles to fill. We know how to identify suitable candidates and how to engage them. We have well-established processes for vetting candidates, and we know how to ensure they'll be a good fit for your team.

Some of the ways we help with technical recruitment are:

  • Develop and implement a technical recruitment strategy that aligns with the company's goals and needs
  • Identify and target top talent in the field that would be able to quickly add value to your business
  • Create job descriptions and post job listings to attract high-quality relevant candidates
  • Screen and evaluate applicants to identify the best fit for the company
  • Conduct interviews and provide input on which candidates to hire
  • Offer guidance and support to the company's hiring manager throughout the recruitment process
  • Provide ongoing mentorship and support to new hires to ensure their success and retention

After hiring, we will help you onboard your new team members and set them up for success.

Schedule a call to learn more about how we can help you hire the right people for your tech team.