Our Services

Interim CTO

Finding the perfect CTO is hard, but you're in a situation where you need one now. Whether it's to keep things running smoothly because your company is experiencing rapid growth, or because you're seeking investment and need to provide credibility, you need someone to fill in those shoes until you find the right permanent CTO.

Wilder Innovation's Interim CTO service will provide you with a highly experienced leader who can help you navigate the challenges of your technology needs, such as:

  • Defining a technical strategy
  • Implementing efficient plans and processes
  • Ensuring that organization is using the right technology
  • Hiring
  • Liaising with the technical teams, product teams, management, and others
  • Setting technical standards and ensuring they are followed

Finally, we can help you find the perfect permanent CTO for your company.

Schedule a call to learn more about how we can be interim CTO.